US Trademark Search New York
When applying for a trademark or when you plan to use a trade symbol, it is very important to ensure that no one else is using it. If someone else already has registered a similar trade symbol, you may end up in legal trouble. The trademark owner can sue you for damages if you use the same trademark. Let us learn a little more about the US Trademark Search New York and how it can help you safeguard yourself during the journey.
The Real Problem
Many people start a business under a brand name, and after years of running the brand successfully, they decide to go for a trademark registry. This is when they get a nasty surprise. In at least 50% of the cases, a similar brand name is registered as a trademark, so you cannot register your brand as a trademark. In such a case, you would need to go through the rebranding exercise or risk legal action. This is why we recommend people register trademarks when they start their businesses.
Trademark Search New York
When you apply for a trademark through Trademark 360, we ensure that we scan the USPTO database to search for similar registrations. During the US trademark search, we look through the federal USPTO database, and we also look through the pending applications. This way, we would know if your logo is already used by some other entity or if we are free to proceed with the registration. Based on the search, we recommend the actions to you, and all these services are included in our bundle package for trademark registration.
Can I Contact The Trademark Owner?
Usually, trademark registration has the contact details of the owner. This information is available in the USPTO database. If you would like to contact the trademark owner, then you can contact the trademark owner with the help of these details. However, you will also notice that some of the trademark owners have opted for private registration, so you will not be able to contact them. Moreover, calling the trademark owner to get details about their registration would not help you with anything.
More About Private Registration
Private registration is one of the interesting features offered by the USPTO. Under private registration, your contact details are not made public through their database; hence, no one can spam you with the calls. Many people hate their contact details getting public, as scammers can use these details. To avoid all of this, you can opt for a private registration. If you are looking for private trademark registration, then Trademark 360 can help you. A small fee is associated with the private registration, and you can contact our experts for more details.
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